A common model for storing and extracting acoustic, biotic and hydrography data from the MEESO project was reviewed and consolidated at a workshop in Copenhagen.
A data management and dissemination workshop was held at the International Council for Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Headquarters in Copenhagen in mid-February 2020, as a part of the MEESO project’s work package 1. The objective of the workshop was to review and consolidate a model for storing and extracting acoustic, biotic and hydrography data at ICES Data Centre and to understand ICES metadata catalogue facility.
Workshop participants got introduced to the acoustic portal, its basic structure, the data model as well as the main data flow for data submissions, including an introduction to ICES vocabularies and basic concepts of data validation for both acoustic and biotic format. Participants also learnt about ICES metadata catalogue along with guidelines on how to insert new metadata records, and how to validate them and make them compliant with the INSPIRE Knowledge Base.
There was fruitful interaction between data originators and work package 1 team with many question and answer sessions. Several action points were defined for data collector partners related to identifying the different datatypes which they will be dealing with, and homogenising the structure for the records in ICES metadata catalogue.
Vaishav Soni, International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, vaishav.soni@ices.dk
Coordinator of MEESO work package 1