Acoustic JUVENA survey in Bay of Biscay.  Photo: AZTI

New publication: The carrying capacity of the seas and oceans for future sustainable food production

Tuesday 23 Jan 24

A publication related to MEESO has been published in Food and Energy Security.

The expected increase in global food demand, as a consequence of a rising and wealthier world population, and an awareness of the limits and drawbacks of modern agriculture, has resulted in a growing attention to the potential and carrying capacity of the seas and oceans to produce more food. The present paper discuss potentials in four options to increase marine food production including harvesting so far unexploited stocks, such as various fish species from the mesopelagic zone of the ocean.

Title: The carrying capacity of the seas and oceans for future sustainable food production: current scientific knowledge gaps
Authors: Jaap Van der Meer, Myriam Callier, Gianna Fabi, Luc van Hoof, J. Rasmus Nielsen & Sasa Raicevich
Journal: Food and Energy Security, 12(4): e464, 2023 
25 JANUARY 2025