New publication: Carrying capacity of the oceans for future sustainable food production

Wednesday 12 Jul 23

A publication related to MEESO has been published in Food and Energy Security. 

A paper has been published in the recognized journal “Food and Energy Security” concerning the growing attention to the potential of the seas and oceans to produce more food given the increasing world population and food demand. Here knowledge gaps are identified in relation various alternative options open to increase marine food production, and their ecological and economic sustainability are discussed for increased marine food production. This among other cover potential exploitation of mesopelagic fish resources which cover MEESO topics.

Title: The carrying capacity of the seas and oceans for future sustainable food production: Current scientific knowledge gaps
Authors: Jaap van der Meer, Myriam Callier, Gianna Fabi, Luc van Hoof, J. Rasmus Nielsen and Saša Raicevich
Journal: Food Energy Secur. 2023;00:e464
11 FEBRUARY 2025