WP8 Workshop Nov 2019

MEESO-website and plans for data- and knowledge sharing decided

Friday 01 May 20

Work package 8 meeting on dissemination of MEESO-project laid down principles and decided platforms for communication. Website expected to be up and running in late spring 2020.

For two days in November 2019, project participants from all work packages met at ICES Headquarters (International Council for Exploration of the Sea) in Copenhagen to take a closer look at different aspects of communication and dissemination of the MEESO-project. 

Fruitful talks and inputs ended up with agreement on further and more specific details on stakeholder contacts, principles and methods for data-sharing, planned workshops, courses and webinars regarding the project. This has fed directly into production of an extensive MEESO Project Dissemination Plan, which is an important outcome of the meeting.
Find current MEESO Project Dissemination Plan on the page describing Outreach activities

To optimize the work and the sharing of data, the participants also agreed to arrange a physical work package 1 workshop and not a virtual workshop to deal with real data of a number of different types. This workshop took place at the ICES Headquarters in Copenhagen on 18-19 February 2020. This has been an important milestone in producing the MEESO Data Management Plan, which is in progress.

Finally, the participants decided on two main platforms for communication; an internal MEESO Sharepoint site run by IMR (Institute for Marine Research) and a webpage, www.meeso.org which will be developed and run by DTU Aqua. 


J. Rasmus Nielsen, DTU Aqua, rn@aqua.dtu.dk
Coordinator of MEESO work package 8


12 DECEMBER 2024