The aim of work package 8 is to maximise the project’s impact by creating awareness.
This work package will raise awareness and maximise the project’s impact. This is done by channelling management recommendations through to the appropriate advisory bodies, effective dissemination of existing and incremental knowledge, as well as capacity building for relevant stakeholders. Project progress will be communicated to the different target groups (partners, stakeholders, governance bodies and the public) using existing, well-established platforms.
Specific objectives
- Communicate existing knowledge and project results through public platforms and scientific journals following an internal and external Project Dissemination Plan.
- Coordinate the capacity building and feed-back mechanisms for partners, stakeholders and governance bodies within the work packages 2-7 e-learning training courses/webinars, workshops, symposia, and survey/trial fishery participation.
- Efficient data guidance, management and standardization are in close collaboration to work package 1 promoted through existing platforms to secure optimal storage, long-term use, and public availability of historic/new data including development of a Data Management Plan.
- Recommendations and advice on management strategies and governance processes are provided under the Blue Growth rationale, following UN/EU precautionary principles on Maximum Sustainable Yield.
Learn more
Learn about the tasks of work package 8
Status and progress of work package 8 by month 18
Download the Project Dissemination Plan