Catch. Photographer: Webjørn Melle

Work package 3: Development of sustainable catch and processing methods towards feasible products

This research topic will identify and implement solutions for utilization of mesopelagic catch. The topic makes up work package 3 of the MEESO project. 

This work package will identify and implement the best solutions for total utilization of the mesopelagic catch. Efficient and sustainable catch technologies and post-harvesting processing will be paired with product development. The work will be performed by industry and academic experts in collaboration with all stakeholders.

Emphasis will be placed on low carbon footprint, total utilization and scalable and implementable processes. Commercially viable food and or feed products will be investigated.. Social impact studies of fishing and products from the mesopelagic catches will be performed (in work package 6) and continuously matched with work package 3.

Stakeholder involvement in all tasks will be in focus.

Specific objectives

  • Development of on-board and land processing, including determination of the variation in raw material quality and nutrient content, establishment of methods for on-board conservation and processing, and development and evaluation of processing of mesopelagic catch on land.

  • Assess the production of functional and safe feed and food products, by screening potential hazardous contaminants and anti-nutrients, nutrient profile, and bioactive components.

  • Identification of bioactivities in the catch, including selected human and animal health beneficial bioactivities, as well as enzymatic and microbiological activities.

  • Identification of market potential products and upscaling of these relevant identified products in available infrastructure.

Learn more

Learn about the tasks of work package 3




Participants in work package 3: 

  • Nofima AS
  • TEAGASC - Agriculture and Food Development Authority
  • Institute of Marine Research
  • Marine Institute
  • Fundacion AZTI – AZTI Fundazioa
  • Sintef Ocean AS
  • Ireland's Seafood Development Agency
  • European Fishmeal
  • Marine and Freshwater Research Institute
  • Pelagia AS
  • Liegruppen Fiskeri AS

Learn more about MEESO project partners


Work package 3 is led by Nofima AS, Norway.

Contact: Runar Gjerp Solstad,
27 JULY 2024