Catch. Photographer: Webjørn Melle

Outcomes of work package 3: Development of sustainable catch and processing methods

Planned outcomes of the MEESO project's work package 3.



  • Database on contaminants, nutraceuticals and nutrients 
    Lead: Institute for Marine Research


  • Workshop on different processing techniques to be assessed
    Lead: Nofima AS
  • Workshop on assessment on nutritional, nutraceutical, and safety properties of processed food and feed products
    Lead: Nofima AS

  • Stakeholder workshop discussing results and testing possible products from biomasses
    Lead: Nofima AS

  • Regional stakeholder and full-feedback workshop on data, parameter, method, and results exchange and on sustainable fisheries, harvest strategies, and resilience of the system
    Lead: Technical University of Denmark (work package 8) together with Nofima AS

  • Prototype production of selected scaled processes for market evaluation and circular prototype improvement
    Lead: Nofima AS


Scientific papers

Public outreach

  • Trial fishery campaign blogs with invited journalists
    Lead: Institute of Marine Research (work package 2) & Nofima AS

  • Furthermore, the MEESO project will publish news on the website and make regular press releases etc. 
    Lead: Technical University of Denmark (work package 8)




Work package 3 is led by Nofima AS, Norway.

Contact: Runar Gjerp Solstad,
11 FEBRUARY 2025