Work package 2: Survey and sampling technology development

This research topic will apply and demonstrate survey technologies to improve quality of surveys of mesopelagic organisms. The topic makes up work package 2 of the MEESO project.


This work package will apply and demonstrate fisheries acoustic, optical, and sampling technologies to provide new knowledge for reducing and quantifying sources of uncertainty and bias in biomass estimation surveys of mesopelagic organisms.

The new knowledge will be disseminated within and beyond the project through the development of protocols for mesopelagic abundance estimation surveys.

The results from this work package will directly inform the field campaigns of the project (work package 4).

Specific objectives

  • Demonstrate and implement new acoustic, optical, and trawl technologies for quantification and scientific sampling of mesopelagic organisms.

  • Develop and test a protocol for spatially explicit abundance estimation including uncertainty, and sampling of mesopelagic species on monitoring cruises.

Learn more

Learn about the tasks of work package 2




Participants in work package 2: 

  • Institute of Marine Research
  • Marine and Freshwater Research Institute
  • Technical University of Denmark
  • Fundacion AZTI – AZTI Fundazioa
  • Marine Institute

Learn more about MEESO project partners


Work package 2 is led by Institute of Marine Research, Norway.

Contact: Webjørn Melle,