SUMMER – a sister project to MEESO

Like the MEESO project, SUMMER is a H2020 research project focusing on the mesopelagic fish biomass. The two projects coordinate their activities to maximise outcomes.


The SUMMER project will establish a protocol to accurately estimate mesopelagic fish biomass, quantify the ecosystem services provided by the mesopelagic community (food, climate regulation and potential for bioactive compounds) and develop a decision support tool to measure the trade-offs between the different services. SUMMER is covering the Mediterranean and extends the findings to the world’s oceans.

Combining eDNA with in situ acoustics and trawls SUMMER will obtain an accurate assessment of the composition and biomass of the mesopelagic community. Gut content analysis, molecular markers and stable isotopes will allow quantification of the vertically integrated trophic network, linking to commercial and charismatic species.

Models will be used to estimate the impact of fishing scenarios on trophic network stability and carbon sequestration.

Mesopelagic organisms will be tested for their potential as fish meal, nutra- and pharmaceuticals.

A range of interactions with stakeholders, policy makers and public will ensure that any strategy to exploit the mesopelagic ecosystem takes account of all the consequences.

The SUMMER project has 21 partners from the EU and outside and is coordinated by Fundacion AZTI - AZTI Fundazioa, Spain. The project runs from September 2019 to August 2023.

Visit the SUMMER website,

Cooperation between MEESO and SUMMER

The MEESO project and the SUMMER project cooperates to maximise outcomes from both projects. Each project has a task designed to facilitate transparent and effective cooperation. This task is led by the coordinators of the two projects, respectively.

The coordination of activities between MEESO and SUMMER includes e.g. data exchange and joint cruise coordination to avoid geographic and spatial duplication and share protocols etc.

Achievements will be reported and discussed during joint project meetings.
11 FEBRUARY 2025