E-learning on sampling strategies

Monday 20 Mar 23

Target audience

  • Applied researchers in fisheries science, resource assessment and management advice – notably within pelagic and mesopelagic fishing and resource management advice.

  • University students (MSc, BSc and PhD) involved in marine resource and fisheries research, assessment and management advice programmes.

The MEESO project has produced an e-learning webinar on different sampling strategies for mesopelagic resources.

This e-learning webinar from MEESO work package 2 and 8 discusses different sampling strategies for quantifying mesopelagic resources.

Mesopelagic resources are unevenly distributed, and often echosounders are used for quantification of mesopelagic biomass. The video presents results suggesting that such a strategy may lead to large errors, since backscattering levels are a biased estimator of mesopelagic biomass.

Link to e-learning webinar

Watch the e-learning video on sampling strategies (16:06 min.)


Webjørn Melle, webjoern.melle@hi.no

11 FEBRUARY 2025