Status and progress in WP4 by month 18

Status of activities and outcomes in the MEESO project's work package 4 from 1 September 2019 to 28 February 2021.


In work package 4, Mapping of mesopelagic resources, the focus in the first period of the project has been on collecting data, both the implementation of field campaigns and in-situ sampling as well as collating relevant information from earlier surveys and historical data.

Sampling of various field data (high resolution acoustics, optical, hydrographic and catch data from plankton nets and pelagic trawls) has provided the basis for ongoing work of establishing current state and assessing the role of mesopelagic resources in vertical flux of carbon and the potential of human exploitation. 


  • Cruises in support of MEESO have been conducted by AZTI, MFRI, IMR, SINTEF/IMR, MI.
  • Numerous types of field data have been sampled that provide both basis for quantification and qualitative information on various components of mesopelagic resources. 
  • Regional maps of spatial distribution and diel vertical migration of key fish species Maurolicus muelleri have been prepared.
  • Analysis of historical data and distribution maps based on historical data of Maurolicus muelleri is on-going.
  • Protocols for sampling analysis have been made.
  • Two meetings have been held, one focusing on changes in cruise plans resulting from the Covid epidemic, and MEESO-SUMMER interactions (27.04.20); the other addressing feasibility of holding a hull mounted acoustic workshop (24.06.20).

Video about mesopelagic sampling in Nordic Seas, July 2020





Work package 4 is lead by Marine and Freshwater Research Institute, Iceland. 

Astthor Gislason, 

Klara Jakobsdóttir,