CLS, a subsidiary of CNES (French Space Agency), develops since 1986 satellite services in location and environmental data collection, space oceanography and radar detection. CLS offers services in three major domains: environmental monitoring, maritime security, and management of marine resources to a broad range of professionals including government, industry and the scientific community. Since 2006, CLS also develops modelling tools for marine ecosystem and fish population dynamics to support sustainable management of marine resources.
Website: cls.fr
People involved in MEESO
The CLS marine ecosystem modelling team will be in charge of modelling and analyses tasks in MEESO with the SEAPODYM model in the WP5: Estimating mesopelagic resources and their resilience to harvesting and environmental change (tasks 5.1 and 5.3).
Dr Patrick Lehodey
Role in MEESO: Contributes to task 5.1 and task 5.3
E-mail: plehodey@groupcls.com
Profile on Research Gate
Dr Anna Conchon
Role in MEESO: Contributes to task 5.1 and task 5.3
E-mail: AConchon@groupcls.com
Profile on Research Gate
Dr Olivier Titaud
Role in MEESO: Contributes to task 5.1
E-mail: OTitaud@groupcls.com
Profile on Research Gate
Dr Inna Senina
Role in MEESO: Contributes to task 5.3
E-mail: ISenina@groupcls.com
Profile on Research Gate