Tasks in work package 1: Data management

Task 1.1 Identification of appropriate data standards

Lead: International Council for the Exploration of the Sea

This task will identify and report relevant standards and international data repositories per data type (biological, acoustic, biochemical, economic value). A workshop will be held in order to elaborate on the use of data collected in MEESO, and also to familiarise partners with standards and protocols. We will establish a central repository where datasets and data products can be uploaded in agreed formats for sharing within the project.

Task 1.2 Establish a meta-data catalogue for data resources

Lead: International Council for the Exploration of the Sea

This task establishes a MEESO-specific project label within the existing ICES Geonetwork meta-data catalogue.

A guide will be produced on how partners generating datasets and data products should create metadata records for the catalogue. All partners will ensure that datasets and data products uploaded to the central project repository have an associated meta-data record in the catalogue.

All partners will update the meta-data entries once the data have been released into international repositories (data licence, link to resource etc.). MEESO aims for a scorecard of 95 % of datasets generated within the project should be available in international repositories by the end of the project. 

Task 1.3 Adopt an appropriate open access data licence for project datasets

Lead: International Council for the Exploration of the Sea

This task will review applicable open data licences and evaluate their fitness for purpose for the data types within MEESO. Special consideration will be given to data acquired which may have commercial value or be under a commercial licence. All partners will agree on selected existing data licence(s) to follow for all data types partners.

Task 1.4 Transferring data to international dataset collections

Lead: International Council for the Exploration of the Sea

Using standards agreed in task 1.1 and data access provisions as agreed in task 1.3, datasets will be transmitted to the international data portals (task 1.1). We will consider data products that need coding (i.e. of post processing) to also be made available in a suitable way to the international data portals. Data sets will be quality controlled from the international data portals and revised by MEESO accordingly. MEESO will ensure update of metadata for new versions of datasets and products (task 1.2).




Participants in work package 1:

  • International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
  • Institute of Marine Research
  • Marine Institute
  • Sintef Ocean AS
  • Fundacion AZTI – AZTI Fundazioa
  • Marine and Freshwater Research Institute
  • Wageningen University
  • Technical University of Denmark
  • University of Strathclyde
  • World Maritime University
  • IMAR – Instituto do Mar
  • Nofima AS
  • National Oceanographic Center
  • TEAGASC - Agriculture and Food Development Authority
  • Pelagia AS
  • Ireland's Seafood Development Agency

Learn more about MEESO project partners


Work package 1 is led by International Council for the Exploration of the Sea.

Contact: Vaishav Soni, vaishav@ices.dk

12 DECEMBER 2024