Status and progress in WP9 by month 18

Status of activities and outcomes in the MEESO project's work package 8 from 1 September 2019 to 28 February 2021.

Work package 9 is dedicated to project management and coordination to ensure that the MEESO project is properly established, implemented smoothly and that all deliverables, milestones, and other project goals are accomplished on time and within budget.

The work within MEESO has progressed according to plans without much deviation during the first 18 project months. Management structures and processes described in the DoA has been successful in facilitating progress towards the main objectives during this initial reporting period. Via the Covid-19 assessment and the general risk assessment procedures of MEESO we were able to handle this major disturbance during the start-up period of the project and deliver timely. However, we did see delay and cancellations of some cruises and in combination with the delay of a cooperating project, SUMMER, this led us to ask for a 6-month extension of MEESO. This was granted in the 2nd amendment and will facilitate a joint final symposium to be arranged in cooperation with SUMMER, in month 54.




Work package 9 is led by Institute of Marine Research, Norway 

Contact: Webjørn Melle,
12 DECEMBER 2024